
Estonian University of Life Sciences

 The Estonian University of Life Sciences  


The mission of the Estonian University of Life Sciences is to foster sustainable use of natural resources through knowledge-based education, for the support of which we have created the initiative of a green university. The vision of the green university implies the smallest possible ecological footprint, with a healthy and good working and learning environment, a university that considers the principles of sustainable development in all decision making processes and sets an example to society. The Estonian University of Life Sciences is the national centre of research and development in the fields of agriculture, forestry, animal science, veterinary science, rural life and economy, food science and environmentally friendly technologies. Teaching and research is carried out in five institutes: Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Institute of Forestry and Rural Engineering, Institute of Technology, Institute of Economics and Social Sciences. The Estonian University of Life Sciences currently manages 250 research projects funded by the EU, the Estonian Research Council, not-for-profit organisations, national authorities and private enterprises. EULS has participated in several EU-funded projects: FP5, FP6, FP7, Horizon2020, grants funded by the Regional Development Fund, the COST programme, the LIFE programme, Intelligent Energy Europe Programme and Lifelong Learning Programme, the ERASMUS programme, Erasmus + and the Mobilitas + programme. The University therefore has the experience and capability to achieve the tasks of this project. Of the numbers of university staff, paid staff are 991, unpaid staff 26, Students 2,739 and the total number of members of the University is 3,756 (total staff + students). In addition to the teaching described above the university has the “Avaülikool” (Open University) which provides courses for practitioners. University staff teach also in schools as part of an outreach programme and we have strong connexions with the vocational colleges in the country. 



Principal investigator

David Arney PhD
Professor, animal welfare
Phone:+372 731 3413


Curriculum vitae: CV in ETIS

Haldja Viinalass PhD

Chair, Professor, animal and veterinary genetics, analytical methods in animal genetics.
Phone:+372 731 3467, +372 742 2344, +372 518 7618,


Curriculum vitae: CV in ETIS

Francesca Carnovale MSc;

PhD animal welfare
Phone: +372 731 3401

Curriculum vitae: CV in ETIS