Estonian University of Live Science participated at Armenian National Agrarian University
Prof. David Arney presenting LIVECLIC and Animal welfare to students and staff of the Armenian National Agrarian University
Armenian National Agrarian University website:
vb c n bn
The Agricultural University of Athens presented the project LIVECLIC - Sustainable Adaptation of Livestock Production to Climate Change and its objectives through the 7th Conference "Meat and its Products" organized by Meat News Magazine during the International Exhibition of Thessaloniki, 3-5 February 2023.
Students visiting from Ireland at the Estonian University of Life Sciences had participated in a pilot training!
During their stay, they explored Estonia and participated in a pilot training to mitigate climate change. Estonia, like many countries, has recognized the urgency of addressing environmental challenges. Mitigation strategies here encompass a multifaceted approach, including a significant emphasis on renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, and biomass. The country is actively working to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels, promoting energy efficiency, and encouraging sustainable practices in various sectors. Policymakers and environmental advocates collaborate to enhance public awareness and engagement, fostering a culture of eco-consciousness. Exploring Estonia's initiatives can provide valuable insights into the global effort to combat climate change, inspiring cross-cultural discussions and shared solutions.
The Agricultural University of Athens presented the project LIVECLIC - Sustainable Adaptation of Livestock Production to Climate Change and its objectives through the 7th Conference "Meat and its Products" organized by Meat News Magazine during the International Exhibition of Thessaloniki, 3-5 February 2023.
Estonian University of Life Sciences participated in a meeting at Armenian National Agrarian University
Prof . David Arney presenting LIVECLIC and Animal welfare to students and staff of the Armenian National Agrarian University.
Armenian National Agrarian University website: :
On 23rd March 2023, the CISAO UniTo team gave a presentation on the Erasmus+ CB-VET “LIVECLIC” at the head-office of Africa70, Italian NGO, Niamey (Niger). This dissemination/ information event was carried out within the framework of training activities on animal feeding, production and health, attended by members of local cooperatives/associations of livestock breeders, partners of a development cooperation project “Objectif Travail” implemented in the peri-urban and rural areas around Niamey
The CISAO team provided insights on the main objectives and activities of LIVECLIC project, with special reference to the teaching material being developed on the impact of CC on livestock production and vice-versa, and on the importance of local breeds, resilient and adapted to CC.
The management of the project “Objectif Travail” and the trainees stated that the LIVECLIC training topics/materials developed by LIVECLIC partners would also be of great interest for the cooperatives' members/associations of livestock breeders in Niger, as they face common problems in livestock breeding. They requested to make the LIVECLIC teaching material available -once translated and adapted into French.
Sustainable Adaptation of Livestock Production to Climate Change
Project Number: 2021-1-EE01-KA220-VET-000025360
Location: |
Rabat – IAV premises |
Date |
Wednesday 22nd - Thursday, 23rd February, 2023 |
Time: |
Commencing at 13:00 |
Host: |
Agenda items
Time |
Presentation / Discussion |
Partner |
22nd February |
13.00 – 13.30 |
Welcome, presentation of IAV, presentation of participants |
IAV, all |
13.30 – 14.15 |
Partner report, each partner to present progress, concerns, suggestions |
14.15 – 14.45 |
Progress overview and budgetary report - discussion |
EMU, all |
14.45 – 15.15 |
Adoption of Quality Plan and presentation of 1st Quality Report |
15.15 – 15:45 |
Tea break |
15.45– 16:15 |
Adoption of dissemination plan and presentation of dissemination report |
CO&SO, all |
16.15 |
Summing up, preparations and instructions for dinner |
23rd February |
10.00 -10:30 |
Result 01 – Progress so far / discussion |
AUA, all |
110.30 – 11.00 |
Result 02 – Progress so far / discussion |
UNITO, all |
11:00 – 11:30 |
Result 03 – Progress so far / discussion |
UNITO, all |
11:30– 12.00 |
All |
12:00– 12:30 |
Conclusion, next steps |
All |
12.30 |
Close of the meeting. |
More info and registration:
Sustainable Adaptation of Livestock Production to Climate Change
Project Number: 2021-1-EE01-KA220-VET-000025360
Monday, 21st November 2022
Location: |
Online Venue |
Date |
Monday, 21st November 2022 |
Time: |
12:00 – 13:00 CET |
Host: |
Agenda items
Time |
Presentation / Discussion |
Partner |
12:00-12:30 |
Result R1: Progress overview – Planning next steps |
All |
12:30-13:00 |
Results R2-R4: Organisation of work, creation of subgroups, delegation of tasks and planning |
All |
Please join following this link:
Sustainable Adaptation of Livestock Production to Climate Change
Project Number: 2021-1-EE01-KA220-VET-000025360
Location: |
Online Venue |
Date |
Monday, 26th September 2022 |
Time: |
11:00 – 13:30 CEST |
Host: |
Link al sito Due Punti Festival:
Link alla pagina Facebook del Due Punti Festival:
Link al video della diretta Facebook:
Sabato 24 settembre 2022 si è tenuto presso il Palazzo Ducale di Guastalla (RE) il 19° convegno annuale dell’associazione RARE dal titolo “Razze di confine”. Durante il convegno – inserito negli appuntamenti del progetto europeo LIVECLIC – è stato dato ampio spazio alle problematiche legate alla conservazione delle razze autoctone e alle loro mutate aree di allevamento a causa anche dei cambiamenti climatici.
Nell’ambito delle attività del progetto LIVECLIC, l’associazione AGRIPIEMONTEVET in collaborazione con CISAO e Parco Nazionale del Gran Paradiso ha organizzato un corso di Educazione Continua in Medicina (ECM) dal titolo “Sostenibilità nelle aree alpine nell'era dei cambiamenti climatici” che si terrà l’8 luglio 2022 presso il Salone Centro Visitatori del Parco Nazionale Gran Paradiso in Borgata Prese - Ceresole Reale (TO). L’evento è accreditato e si propone di aggiornare i medici veterinari sulle modalità relative all’utilizzo sostenibile delle aree marginali, in termini di produzioni zootecniche e rispetto dell’ambiente.
F. R. Kreutzwaldi 56/1 töökojas ja klassis B136.
F. R. Kreutzwaldi 56/1, ruum A303
F. R. Kreutzwaldi 56/1, ruum A024 (IKT laboratoorium)
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