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News: Cooperation project “Objectif Travail” 23rd March 2023.
Cooperation project “Objectif Travail” 23rd March 2023.
On 23rd March 2023, the CISAO UniTo team gave a presentation on the Erasmus+ CB-VET “LIVECLIC” at the head-office of Africa70, Italian NGO, Niamey (Niger). This dissemination/ information event was carried out within the framework of training activities on animal feeding, production and health, attended by members of local cooperatives/associations of livestock breeders, partners of a development cooperation project “Objectif Travail” implemented in the peri-urban and rural areas around Niamey;
The CISAO team provided insights on the main objectives and activities of LIVECLIC project, with special reference to the teaching material being developed on the impact of CC on livestock production and vice-versa, and on the importance of local breeds, resilient and adapted to CC.
The management of the project “Objectif Travail” and the trainees stated that the LIVECLIC training topics/materials developed by LIVECLIC partners would also be of great interest for the cooperatives' members/associations of livestock breeders in Niger, as they face common problems in livestock breeding. They requested to make the LIVECLIC teaching material available -once translated and adapted into French.